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First impressions - make or break in 7 seconds

Quick, what are the first three words that come to mind when you see this photo? How do you FEEL about this person? What do you expect him to be like to work with?

Unfair I hear you say - we are being judgemental and only sizing him up by the way he look!. Well, reality check - when YOU walk in the room you can guarantee that the majority of the people there have an immdediate "feeling" about you.

Researchers from NYU found that we make eleven major decisions about one another in the first seven seconds of meeting.

so what decisions would people make about you? 3 tips to keep in mind

  1. MAKE AN ENTRANCE! How do you enter the room where there is a new group of people? Do you slide in quietly? Do you glad hand everyone you see? do you make eye contact? All of these make a statement about you. Next time you have to meet a group of strangers - think consciously about those first 7 seconds of entry and very consciously choose the mesage you send

  2. LOOK AND FEEL: choosing how to dress is critical. my best advice here is be true to your own style but tailor it to group you are meeting. Love the goth look but are walking into a job interview in a traditional law firm? Then keep the black, but tone down the make up and piercings - see, still you but sending a message that you will fit in.

  3. BODIES TALK : Unless you are playing statues, then you will be moving during those precious 7 seconds. what will your movements say? are you chewing gum? is your handshake over strong? Are you standing tall and at ease. PRactice in front of the mirror - what does your unconscious body language say and how can you make it say what you want?

Ask a buddy to be your wingman next time you meet new people then ask for feedback on what impression you made during those 7 seconds.

formore help go to the "personal Performance page" . there is a link to coaching an an ebook which can get you on the right track

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