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Following are the stories of a few of the people I have been privileged to work with. Would you  like to have these experiences?

So what? Outcomes from working with Dulise

Judith Catherwood

Profiled Client

Judith Catherwood is an experienced health service executive leader.  She has worked in the UK and Australia in multi professional leadership roles, across allied health professions and other workforce groups.  Judith was national chairman of the British Dietetic Association and was awarded a Fellowship in 2008.  Judith is experienced in range of health leadership domains including service and workforce planning, organisational development, clinical services redesign, quality improvement, and has particular interest in developing future leaders and helping staff at all levels achieve their potential.



"I very much enjoy learning and being coached by Dulise.  She has highly developed listening skills, achieves a good balance in being challenging as well as supportive and has a great knowledge base of leadership approaches and insight into organisational behaviour, politics and motivations.  Dulise has supported me through significant transitions and change in my leadership operating environment.  I have benefited from her analysis of my leadership style, but more importantly, Dulise has helped me build internal resilience during some of the most challenging times in my working career.  I would highly recommend Dulise as a leadership coach, if you are seeking to build your capabilities and personal insight into your own strengths and weaknesses.  She builds confidence in her clients and really helps you stretch and deliver above and beyond what you may expect of yourself"

A Client in 2013/2014

Profiled Client

An executive with over 25 years experience in medium to large manufacturing, importing and wholesale distribution businesses both public and privately owned.. An inspirational leader and General Manager building on strengths in sales, operations, logistics and organisational development. Demonstrable skill in achieving sustainable growth in revenues and operating profits in highly competitive business to business environments in both New Zealand and Australia.



"Dulise was instrumental in assisting Epicentre through a time of change. Through her input and guidance she quickly gained the confidence and trust of the staff and through this, was able to identify the issues we needed to address and develop strategies to implement the change process. Dulise has an in depth knowledge of business practices and is particularly strong in both understanding and managing the expectations of the business owners and the staff. It would be fair to say that the strategies established by Dulise set the business platform that ensured the company was able to thrive in an increasingly competitive market."


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